FILENAME: ebf-killbox.bsp MAPNAME: Elite Battle Force-Killbox MOD: Half-Life (or other deathmatch-mods, like "Surprise") BUILD-TIME: Dec. 18. 2001 - Dec. 23. 2001 E-MAIL: HOMEPAGE: BYTES (UNZIPPED): 725624 B - (708 KB) BYTES (ZIPPED) : 134797 B - (132 KB) MISSING WEAPONS: - LONGJUMP: Yes MISC: -There is a tentacle in the middle of the room. -There is an hidden room with 3 buttons: N: Turn on/off a trigger_hurt over the hole killbox. S: Turn on/off a trigger_hurt, that makes more impossible, to go to the hidden room. E: Show a message to all players in that server. -In the hidden room you can look outside, but not inside the room. In the room is a crossbow. -You can turn on/off the trigger_hurt over the hole killbox somewhere other. -There is a grunt with a sign over his head. Touch the sign and you can read a message to you. COMMENTS: -Have fun! -=]E.B.F.|Faenwulf[=-